Living paycheck to paycheck can be frustrating, but it is possible to break the cycle and achieve financial stability. In this blog post, we will provide expert advice on how to escape living paycheck to paycheck.
5 Steps to Financial Freedom and Early Retirement
So you want to quit your job and retire early? You’re done with the long commute, the tiny cubical and grouchy boss? You want to live life on your own terms; you want to see the world; you want to spend your time doing things that really matter. But financial Continue Reading
How to Destroy Your Student Loan Debt in 3 Steps
The best way to pay back student loans and have victory over your debt is to weaken your enemy, find allies to fight your enemy and then to attack your enemy!
6 Steps to be Financially Fit + 2 Steps to Leave a Legacy
Much of our culture is enslaved to debt. It can be hard to see a way out. Here are 6 strategies to bring freedom from the bondage to the slavery of debt.
Gifting Your Children with a Mortgage-Free Life
With some creativity and hard work, you can help to provide a mortgage-free life for your kids.
4 Tactics to Free Yourself from a Mortgage
Breaking free from a mortgage is one of the best financial moves that you can make. When you’re free of paying debtors, then you are free to live and give.
How to Have a “New” Car Every Two Years
Is there a way to have a new car every 2 years without becoming a slave to the new car payments? Yes, here is how!
Is College Worth It?
We love good experiences. But is the college experience worth it? That depends…
How to Graduate from College the Day After High School with a 4.0 GPA for Under $5,000
It may sound crazy, but yes, it can actually be done. You can graduate from college the day after high school with a 4.0 GPA for under $5,000!
How to Negotiate Down Medical Bills
Medical bills can be a tremendous burden. Here’s how you can lower or even eliminate them.