
Hi everyone! Welcome to Redemptology! My name is Doug. I’m a Christian, husband, dad and the creator of Redemptology.

“Redemptology” is created from the word “redeem” and suffix “…ology” – meaning the study of redeeming life. To redeem is to buyback. For Christians, it has significant meaning because we have been redeemed, bought back from the slavery of sin and death and given life in Christ. Once we have been redeemed spiritually, we realize that we have a short time on earth and must redeem our days that we live.

This site is dedicated to helping those who want to redeem their life by: getting and staying out of debt, growing wealth, investing their life in eternal matters and investing in their marriage and children.

Despite being strategic in college and graduate school, pursuing scholarships, work-study programs, living off-campus, etc., I incurred $47,000 of school-related debt. My family also incurred over $1,100,000 in medical debt due to some emergencies. I am thankful to say that our family is completely debt-free. We want to help others who find themselves in a similar situation to also find freedom from debt.

My hope is to share strategies for living a purpose-driven and rich life, free from the slavery of debt, the bondage of stuff and the captivity of fear; and to nurture the joy that comes in being a generous giver.